Jewellery Care

To preserve the beauty and integrity of your rings, Elegant Images recommends you have them cleaned and polished at least once a year.
We’re happy to check your diamond or precious stoned rings for wear and tear.

We offer this as a FREE service.

Diamond Jewellery

Clean with a mild liquid detergent and a soft tooth brush or one of our specially designed jewellery cleaners. Diamonds are durable, although they can chip. Do not wear while doing heavy manual work or gardening.

Pearl Jewellery

We recommend you have your pearls restrung once a year, as the strand can be weakened by contact with chemicals such as perfumes and hairspray. Pearls should be knotted between each pearl, as this will prevent loss should the strand break. Clean pearls with mild soapy water and polish with a soft cloth. Pearls should be wrapped in tissue paper or placed in a cloth bag. This will avoid scratching from other jewellery.


Silver Jewellery

Silver can be polished with a special polishing cloth or with cotton wool. If it’s very tarnished, we recommend you dip in silver cleaner, and then polish with a polishing cloth. Do not wear your silver jewellery in the swimming pool, as chlorine will tarnish the silver.


Opal Jewellery

Opal is hydrous (contains moisture), therefore it can craze if it dries out. Do not clean in ultrasonic machines. Clean only with a soft cloth.

Gold Jewellery

To keep you gold jewellery looking its best, clean with warm soapy water and polish with a gold polishing cloth.

Omega Necklaces

Clean very gently with soft cloth and store flat. Do not wear in bed as it will kink easily and have to be repaired.